
Monday, March 12, 2018

Tutorial Copic anti-stress colouring

Hello Copic lovers,

Today I am sharing a photo tutorial which I have made for the Italian Copic Blog.
This is also Copic colouring..but a bit different!
Perhaps you are interested too?

I call it anti - stress colouring, 
sometimes you need those moments to relax yourself, don't you?
And what is better than to get out some of your fab Copic colours?

It is important that you let your emotions and mind free,
do the colouring without programming or thinking about it.

Okay I will explain how to do it, 
please have the following products ready to start;

 Copic markers of your choice , 
a Copic Gasenfude pen , 
Copic  Multiliners ( black and / or coloured ones )
a white gel pen or Copic Opaque White.
a sheet of white paper and / or a sheet of Perfect Colouring Paper 
a pencil ( and a rubber )

Please take a white sheet of paper and a "hard" pencil,
do not use a "soft" one as it leaves too much graphite on the paper 
which might damage your Copic tip.

You can design directly on a sheet of Copic Perfect Colouring Paper,
but personally I start on a simple white sheet 
which I  scan and print out onto a PCP sheet afterwards.

In this way you can always re-use the original design.

Now "switch off your brain" 
and start designing lines without thinking.

My lines are rounded and they cross each other.
This will become your original design to start with,
 later you can always add more lines while colouring.

Now start colouring on the sheet of PCP,
 the one you have made with the lines or the copy printed out onto PCP.
Pick a colour group which you like and start colouring between the lines.

I have made a multi coloured design with lot of colour groups
 but if you like you can also use only one colour group .

After colouring
 I have accentuated the lines which divide the coloured spaces
  with a Copic Gasenfude pen, this pen is very suitable as the tip is long and flexible.

When you add some pressure to the tip the line will become thicker
and if you use the pen in a straight position without pressing, 
 the line will become very thin.
Love how this creates fun wavy lines.

Afterwards just get out another group of Copic colours to finish the design as you like it,
and the Gasenfude to accentuate the lines.
 If you like you can also add small white dots on the black lines as I did.

Some of the spaces in the design  I have filled up with some black Copic Multiliners doodles
but of course you can also use your coloured Multiliners .

I have used  full A4 sheet, 
but you can also start with some smaller pieces of paper first.
Basing it on how much time you will have to finish it.

You could use your smaller anti- stress designs to create cards. In case you have done a big size it could become a cover.

But the most important thing is to relax while colouring!

Who knows what the psychologists will say?
Ha ha, anyway I did relax myself and I am happy to have this design too.

What are you waiting for?
Please try it yourself!

I have used these colours ( see photo above ) 
Copic Gasenfude , Copic Multiliner black 0.3 

Thank you for visiting my post,
Hugs Blankina

my personal blog
Italian Copic blog

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